According to CHANNELSTV, Ayade while inspecting the ongoing asphalting of the dualised Odukpani-Calabar highway in the state on Sunday told journalists that the ban on domestic flights for the next four weeks will deal a great blow on local businesses and affect the nation’s economy negatively.
“We want to plead with Mr President to kindly review the option of keeping the Nigerian airways closed for another four weeks.
“Hotels are dying and laying off workers. Food suppliers and vendors are laying off workers. An additional four weeks will be a great blow and it will be difficult for some businesses to survive.
“As we continue to lock the domestic airports for another four weeks, what we are going to have in terms of economic loss, and in terms of social delinquency, the associated moral and social tension that
Ondo State COMTRA is Still under the Purview and Supervision of the State Government
It has come to the notice of the Government and my office that the State Chairman of NURTW, Comr. Ademola...